
Regional Analysis – Parameters and Material

Normality classes: parameters for research.
Europe is regarded as a compound of nations due to the “Maastricht Criteria”; these nations compete against each other as if they were companies, whereupon in such competing unions social standards tend to erode – compared to economic imperatives (e.g. free movement of capital) (see Lehndorff, Steffen, Editors.: “Spaltende Integration”, Hamburg 2014, p. 9 f.). The “nor aim of this output is to be investigated by means of different parameters in a comparative way to find out if different normality classes” (Jürgen Link) have really emerged. Here: the parameters, that were developed by the partners in Heerlen (Netherlands)



Material Fredericia:
Material Fredericia

Material Gelsenkirchen

Regional analysis Gelsenkirchen

Material Hagen

Fotos Hagen 2016_rvk

Regional analysis Hagen


Material Heerlen

Regional analysis Heerlen

Material Murcia

Quan para exponer

Material Thessaloniki

EITC Thessaloniki

Health system Greece

Unemployment Thessaloniki

Material Köln

Analysis Köln